What if this…right now was: the start of your new era? Your Icon era.
You’re DONE fucking around and pretending [either to yourself OR to others] that you and your biz are *not* meant for big, epic, game changing, industry disrupting shit.
You’re ok with everyone staring and turning their heads…that’s who you fucking are.
You’ve been feeling for awhile like you’re dancing around a massive biz uplevel and you’re done spinning your wheels trying to figure out exactly how to make it happen. You want your empire and you want it n-o-w.
You’ve invested in alllllll [and we mean ALL] the courses, programs, masterminds, coaches, service providers, gurus, mediums, meditations, self-healing, somatic breathing bullshit, and sure: you’ve gotten some great results. But none of it really *ever* felt like exactly what you needed…and now you feel like you’ve outgrown it all.
You want to make shitloads of money…you want to have a gigantic impact on the world and everyone you work with…you want want to have a life you’re obsessed with [and one that makes all the basic b’s jealous] and you’re done caring what annnnnnnnnyone else thinks about this [especially angrymom22 and Sheryl from accounting].
You’re allergic—like break out in hives, panic attack allergic – to doing shit in your biz the way everyone else is.
You fucking hate formulas and frameworks, and have been craving and dreaming about a level of custom support that honors this big, epic, gigantic thing you’re trying to create.
Also: you need some serious fucking help – you need actual head turning, show stopping biz assets in order ot make all this magic happen and you are officially now and forever retired from “just figuring it out” on your own.
But also: you are craving a thought partner/coach who’s baseline is thinking outside the box and calling you out on all your bullshit.
You probably haven’t even connected all the dots on this before, because, uhm: nothing like this has ever existed…until now. At the Icon Agency.
We have a bunch of different ways you can work with us [at a variety of different price points]. There’s only ONE requirement: you gotta be ready to build your goddamned empire.
If you are, then cool: fill in all the fields below as best you can, and let’s do the damn thing. Cause this empire of yours ain’t gonna build itself.
NOTE: Filling out this application does NOT mean that you’re committing to working with the Icon Agency, paying us one hot cent or ever DMing Erica about Sister Wives, White Lotus or Yellowjackets ever again.
Think of it as a conversation starter. An empire building appetizer. A way for us to get to know each other and see from there if we wanna swipe left or swipe right.
Also, if this feels kinda long for you, here’s the deal: we take this responsibility of helping our clients build their million dollar biz empires REAL seriously. And that requires us to get as much info as we possibly can in order to figure out what makes sense in terms of next steps and whether or not we’re a good fit. Also also: thinking this stuff through will be a really good exercise for your brain and your biz…even if you decide you don’t ever want to talk to us again after you hit “submit.”
Welcome To The ICON Agency
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