[One] is a Curated Membership for Innovation Obsessed Entrepreneurs.

We created [One] for people like us: standing out from the crowd is our baseline, creating a space that looked nothing else like anything we’ve ever seen before.

too good to be true?

A New Model For Memberships

This online biz space just seems to be getting more and more vanilla, more and more same/same, and all of it makes us wanna barf.

One will inspire the hell outta you, equip you with next level ideas, have you making big ass moves, connect you with other innovators, keep you on top of all the trends worth paying attention to and make your business competition a complete and total non-issue.

That’s what happens when you’re a true “category of one.”

nah bitch

Take everything you know about MEMBERSHIPS and dump it all in the garbage. We wanted to create a space that looked nooooothing else like anything we’ve ever seen before.

[One] will inspire the hell outta you, equip you with next level ideas, have you making big ass moves & connect you with other innovators.

How is the [One] Membership Different?

  • At every workshop, masterclass, and session that Erica leads, you will have up close and personal, 1:1 access to ask questions, get 2nd opinions, and chat. [The only other way to do this is via her 1:1 coaching or becoming a fractional CMO client, which is at a MUCH higher pricepoint.]

  • Instead of learning new skills. Honestly: we don’t think you need to learn how to do ANYTHING else in your biz. And so each session is aimed at helping you leave feeling inspired with next level ideas, ready to take action.

  • Only choose to come to events & workshops that resonate with you and skip the rest. Since there’s no set curriculum, nothing will be cumulative [i.e. if you miss the 1st 2 meetings of the month you won’t be confused at the 3rd].

  • [One] switches up each month. Say goodbye to Q&A on the first Friday of the month and Masterclass on the second Thursday. Programming will switch up each month just like it does on Netflix.

  • This will help us all stay on track together and zone in on one specific area of focus on our biz.

  • Including: masterclasses, discussion groups, mindset work, group projects, co-working and more.

  • filled with other “category of one” biz owners, movers, shakers and industry disruptors who you can connect with, learn from and lean on for support.

Here’s an example of a [One] session with Erica you can watch to get a taste of what it’s like…

“How to Join the Zero Fucks Club”.

We went deep on some mindset tools you can lean on as you learn how to wrangle your dick brain.

[Each [One] session in the membership includes, captions, transcripts, summary, PDF presentation to download as well as audio to listen to on the go as well as a PDF of the Zoom chat. ⤵️

[Masterclass starts at 4:30; watch at 2x speed to save some time]


I'm a rule breaking business coach and agency owner whose proudest accomplishment was recently getting elected to the presidency of the Zero Fucks Club. My hobbies include sharing hot takes on all the dumb shit I see in the online coaching/business space, being an unapologetic bougie bitch, and helping as many people as I can realize that the key to money, fame, fortune and impact is figuring out how to truly become a "category of one" in your industry.


We are the [One] Membership
Cruise Directors.

Erica + Greg are all in on the idea of helping other business owners master the practice of being obsessively innovative, shake up their industries, and all become kajillionaires together.

We want [one] to be the place that helps us all do that together.


Bio goes here…

2024 [One] Monthly themes …

[NOTE: All previous month’s content will be immediately available to you in our [One] vault as soon as you join…so if you’re bummed you missed a particular month, you can catch up on your schedule!]

  • Let’s ditch the obnoxious 2 hour morning routines and actually create sustainable, valuable systems & routines in our businesses to set us up for success in the year to come [adhd friendly, of course].

  • You know that fun project you’ve been wanting to get done, but instead you’ve spent the past two years ONLLLLY talking about it and doing nothing. Not anymore...we’re getting shit done together this month as we go hard to complete a big, fun project together.

  • Your “get out of jail free” card for virtually every biz and life challenge that will come your way is getting your membership approved in the “zero fucks club.” We’re gonna help you do that.

  • [One] switches up each month. Say goodbye to Q&A on the first Friday of the month and Masterclass on the second Thursday. Programming will switch up each month just like it does on Netflix.

  • Do you wish you had more intentional, structured creativity in your life?? Yeah, us too. And it’s actually a critical piece of the puzzle for the people like us who want to stay innovative. So this month is focused all around how we can build more creativity into our businesses & lives.

  • This month we’re going to get laser focused on mapping out, creating and/or fine-tuning at least ONE solid funnel for our business in order to increase sales.

  • Let’s ditch the obnoxious 2 hour morning routines and actually create sustainable, valuable systems & routines in our businesses to set us up for success in the year to come [adhd friendly, of course].

  • No scrambling this year around holiday sales and Black Friday promos. Let’s map out exactly what you’re doing this year before the holidays roll around.

  • Selling [and my fave “selling without selling”] is a crucial skill you need as a “category of one” biz owner. This month we will focus on getting you comfy, cozy, and all fired up to sell your face off.

  • What’s our theme this month? Who knows?! You’re going to vote with the community and decide...and then we’re going to create 30 days of kickass content and programming around it.

  • This will be a shorter month for us as we will be taking the last 2 weeks of the year off. But we’re going to spend the first two weeks in December planning our Q1s for the following year.

Monthly Spotify Playlists

These are created every month, curated by Greg.

The [One] Plan

This is the easy, breezy entry point membership tier for biz owners who love the group dynamic and don’t feel like they need any custom 1:1 coaching or strategy in their biz right now.

  • All monthly sessions, workshops, events led by Erica Reitman.

  • There will be a different theme each month, but these sessions & trainings will all be built around our core concept of how to become a “category of one” in your industry.

  • Access to replays of all past coaching sessions, workshops and materials from previous months in [One] .

  • Coaching and Q&A with Erica at all sessions [if you attend Live]

  • Access to online community through Skool platform


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We believe so strongly in the concept of “get in the room” we decided to build our own damn room.

Ex New Yorkers turned Empire Building Expats in Mexico City… Now Hudson, NY.

We’re no strangers to the concept of “standing out from the crowd” [you should have seen the faces of all of our friends & family 23 years ago when we told them we didn’t ever want to have kids and were “holding steady at the dog.”].

We moved to Mexico just cause we thought it would be fun, started an agency built around ideas and offers we’d never seen anyone else address before, and now we’re pioneering a completely unique membership together that we’re calling a cross between Soho House, Netflix, WeWork, and Masterclass.Erica).

here’s some scoop on all the shit you might be wondering about when it comes to your [one] membership.

Is this just for coaches & service providers?

No, no, noooooo. this is a membership collective for innovative obsessed entrepreneurs of all stripes and flavors. We’re excited af to have all sorts of biz owners--men, women, non-binary folks and everyone in between--in there.

What if i can’t attend some of the monthly events live?

Look, we know that you’re busy...and that you have an ever changing schedule. Every [one] event that we have on the calendar will be recorded and waiting for you when [and if] you ever want to catch up.

What does this “application only” thing actually mean?

It simply means we want to be intentional about the community we’re building. We want to fill [One] up with unique, badass, ready to take over the world entrepreneurs like you who are excited AF to be there...who want to participate & are ready to contribute. Everyone fills out an application.

What’s gonna be required in terms of my time and participation?

That's dependent on you and your schedule- just like our content changes every month, so does your life. We don't require a particular level of participation each month, rather, our goal is to give you tons of amazing content and tools that you can either dive into live, or when your schedule permits(since everything is recorded and you have access throughout your membership terms.

The [One] Plan


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